Monday, September 7, 2009

The Follower is Becoming the Followed

Let me preface this by saying that in my search for blogs, I am looking for entertainment, I'm not a mindless idiot.

Even though I was never a blogger myself until now, there is one blog that I constantly read and I mean might be one of my most guiltiest pleasures and a side of me that not many people have any knowledge of whatsoever, purposely. It is a blog started by a celebrity-watcher extraordinaire known as Perez Hilton. Every day there are posts about the personal lives of the celebrities whom we all know and love (to hate). I am actually pleasantly surprised that this blog, which is usually a waste of time and a useful procrastination tool, will finally be of use to me since I will be reading it for a class. 

Another site that I visit sometimes when I need a good laugh is icanhascheezeburger.comI had no idea that this site was considered a blog, but according to's top 100 blogs, it is, and a good one at that. How a site of strictly cat pictures with silly words became so popular is a mystery to me, but kudos, people. I don't even like cats but the captions are absolutely hilarious. 

My boyfriend sent this to me from's exaggerating.

Although I did warn you about my silly blog following habits, I feel like I should be open to new blogs, which is why I will commit to one "serious" blog that actually benefits my intelligence and knowledge about what is going on in the world. Unfortunately I cannot subscribe to one specific political/news blog, although I do sometimes follow (is that considered a blog?)  so I chose I like it because, as far as I can tell, the posts are about EVERYTHING. It does not focus on one specific topic although it has been heralded for tips about how to save money during the recession (what college student doesn't need those?). I'm excited to broaden my blog horizons and will continue to search for new blogs that I find interesting.

"Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark. Professionals built the Titanic" - Anonymous


  1. Perez is a guilty pleasure of mine too, Elia. When I read his posts I feel the same as I do when I watch Jerry Springer... I'm entertained but I haven't learned anything except what not to do. Thanks to Jerry I will never sleep with my boyfriends brother and thanks to Perez I will always wear underwear while exiting limos :)

  2. Hahaha I love the quote at the end of your post. Funny. Perez is a guilty pleasure of mine too. It's just so wonderfully insignificant and mean spirited haha. I've seen the cat blog around but I didn't ever actually read it until a few days ago and though i completely don't understand it, it is pretty funny. on another random note, can I commend you on the appearance of your blog? its really easy to read and the fact that you've highlighted some words and all makes it very user friendly. bravo.
